Deleting Dataiku Project
This may seem crazy, but I for the life of me cannot figure out how to delete a Dataiku project that I don't need. There is nothing inside it I just want to quickly remove it. Anyone know? Thanks!
List only the immediate subdirectories under the specified path
Hello everyone, I need your help with reading only the immediate subdirectories in a managed folder. Currently, I am using the code below, but it lists all the files, even those inside the subfolders. What I want is to display only the immediate folders and files in the folder. library(dataiku)paths <-…
Are there different ways to set up code environments?
I am trying to install pytorch in python3 in a code environment in data science studio. I can install it in the python3.5 install on the system that Data Science Studio is installed on. I've tried putting torch in the REQUESTED PACKAGES (PIP) part of the code environment administration but that doesn't work because pytorch…
Is there a way to tell dataiku to use TRUNCATE TABLE instead of DROP TABLE for snowflake datasets?
I want to have the same table, otherwise when table is dropped and recreated all the grants to the table (other users are granted select, etc to this table) will be gone as well.
Use of styles.css inside Libraries in dash Webapp
Hi all, I want to use external CSS file inside my dash webapp, but I don't have permission to add file inside Global Shared Code, so can someone please tell me if I can use a CSS file defined inside Libraries or is there any other way?, Thank you
Auditing projects by tags and statuses
Once we properly tag projects (using global tags), what options do we have as an admin to audit which projects have certain tags? Certain project statuses? As a user, we can search by these in the project-list page, but is there any way to export/share/archive the results? Thanks!
Problem with file actions
Hello, i have problem witch file actions. Previously, I could perform various activities, now after loading the file again I cannot do anything because an error appears (files that were loaded once, I can perform various actions with them) Below I attach a screenshot with the error. Thanks for your help!
trying to login
deploy a model from a python notebook
Hello, Is it possible to deploy a model (sklearn ) for example a regression logistic model trained in a python notebook ? I am used to go on lab, let the build in model trained and deploy the ultimate model y clicking on "deploy" button. Now, I have a project where I have custom encoding before training and was obliged to…
Problem to creat code notebook
Hello everyone, I´ve tried to create a code notebook on DSS Tutorials for developer training path purposes, howevever, this message showed up. Do you guys have any clue about this situation and how can I fix it? Thank you! Operating system used: Windows