Code Studio to load HD5 File
We recently start to integrate Code Studio with our instance. And we use to save HD5 file in a managed folder, and use code like : with pd.HDFStore(pathToFile, mode='r', complevel=COMPRESSION_LEVEL, complib=COMPRESSION_METHOD) as hdf: hdf_keys = hdf.keys() This works well with pathToFile generated from the managed folder…
About Associating Connections with Projects in Dataiku
Hi, In Dataiku, connection settings can be linked to user groups, but I believe they cannot be linked to projects. I have a question regarding this: If UserA belongs to both the Finance and HR user groups, UserA would have access to connections associated with both of these groups. This situation can easily lead to…
Detect and alert secret leaks on python recipes
Hi, Id like to ensure our code recipes follows secure coding practice by not putting secrets (API Keys, Passwords, Tokens) in the code recipe. Is there a way to do this from Dataiku? Assuming we don't use external git repository.
Dataiku Answers - Filter not working
Hello! I am trying to use filters for a Dataiku Answers webapp. While I select a filter and I see it applied in my question, it seems that the sources selected for answering the question are not matching the filter selected: Am I understanding correctly the usage of filters? I have labeled a series of documents, so that…
Using date variables
Hi, I'm wanting to store a date in the project variable list, but can't figure out how to make the variable read as a date in, say, a formula step in a recipe. I've tried to format the date as "yyyy-MM-dd" with and without quotes, as well as "yyyy-MM-ddT00.00.00.000Z" with and without quotes. When I do the simple date…
SQL key words
Writing sql query in dataiku, but some key words are not executing dataiku. i would like to understand, the familiar sql tool , is it ssms, workbench etc ? Operating system used: windows Operating system used: windows
Can't delete files in managed folder
Hi, I uploaded a file to a managed folder in dataiku. Then I noticed it has to be renamed so I did that. After that there is the new renamed file, but also the old file with wrong name. When I try to delete the old file I get: Deleting items... Errors were encountered Failed to delete S3 file, bucket=s3-prod-01-*****.xlsx,…
Renaming recipes via Dataiku API
Hello, I am trying to rename some recipes via the API (as opposed to by hand as we want to rename quite a lot). This is the code I am trying to run: project = client.get_project(project_key) recipe_object = project.get_recipe(recipe_name) recipe_object.rename('the new name') Trying to run this gives the following error…
What are the steps to refresh an excel file?
This should be really simple… None of the steps I have found online work.
Best Way to integreate GIT with Code Studio for version control
We have in house python package developed and they are used as main building block for DSS Recipes. And recently we start to integrate Code Studio with hope to use it as the main IDE for development work directly on the cloud. We currently has a Code Env which include all the in house python package we develop, and we can…