Plugins & Extending Dataiku
Can we download Dataiku datasets into our local machine programmatically?
I want to programmatically download the output dataset of the flow into my local machine. How can I do this? I tried following some suggestions from Chat GPT, it doesn't work. I get max retries reached an error. Can anyone help me with this? #Import libraries import dataiku import requests import os from requests.adapters…
user interface?
Greetings,Hope this finds you well.I have a question. Let's say I created a flow. I now need to create a user interface to run it from A to Z. I also want to take some inputs from the user. Is that possible? If yes, how?
Grafana Dashboard in Dataiku
Hi, Do you know if it is possible to embed Grafana dahsboard inside dataiku ? maybe using webapps ? Anyone has tested this before. The idea is to have ETL flow in Dataiku and also embed the visualisation layer through Grafana. Thanks Operating system used: Win10
How to get the handle of the current plugin?
I'm developing a plugin and I'd like to get the handle of the current plugin to get its name and settings. Similar to client.get_default_project() to get the current project. Also, is there a way to know which scenario is triggering the plugin? Is there any way to achieve this?
Custom Params Dataiku Plugin Recipe
Hello, I am developing a plugin recipe, using python. I want the user to be able to give some input, which I allow in the form of params. One of the params I want to have is a datetime, which is not a default param type in dataiku plugin. Therefore, I wish to build a custom param. Preferbly, I would like to develop a…
Variable inputs for application
Hi all, Context: I have an application that uploads a dataset to a server through an API. We can say that it's the last step of the flow as I need to have the data there and not in dataiku. Therefore, I don't need the output of the application-as-recipe. I've been told that the recipe must have an output, so I'm using it…
How to get "Dataiku Answers"
Hello. I recently saw the "Dataiku Answers" : Dataiku Answers | Dataiku But I don't know how to set it in my dataiku instance. I don't see it available in the plugins list (installed or not installed) and neither in webapps. How do I use "Dataiku Answers"?
Predictions made using Dataiku Snowpark API Yield Single Class for Multi-Class Classification model
Hello community, I am facing an issue when using Dataiku's Snowpark API to make predictions from a multi-class classification model. The model is trained with Dataiku and a Snowflake table via Visual ML. The predictions only return one class, while the same table loaded as a pandas DataFrame returns correct predictions…
Error 500 trying to install plugin from Archive with API
Hello, I'm in the process of automating a complete installation of DataIku. While I'm almost done, I'm struggling with plugins install. I'm unable to use the ansible collection or the python API as I keep getting an error 500 from the server when trying to install a plugin from a zip archive (installing the same plugin…
Create a Macro
Hey, I want to create a new macro on my custom Design Node instance. However I see that you can make plugins or applications but for a simple macro? Also, I see that there are macros in the dataiku store that offer ‘pick list’ type parameters. How can we do this at our level? Thank you for help