whitelist of connections for the GDPR plugin
Hi, as of now, the GDPR plugin implements an option to blacklist connections. Would it be possible to provide a whitelist mechanism, so that some project can only source their data from specific locations ? Best regards, Moaï
GDPR Plugin - Project Metadata update
Hi Team, We have the GDPR plugin installed in our dataiku instance. We also have a custom project creation macro in place which users use to create their projects. https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/plugins/reference/project-creation-macros.html We were trying to see if it was feasible to update the projects GDPR metadata…
How to easily request a SOAP API point
Hello, Apart from the 2 plugins allowing to request API consumption points (HTTP, and 'API Connect'), is there an equivalent to be able to request easily in SOAP? Or do you have to do it with separate code? Thanks in advance!
Plugin to rename final datasets
Hello, Please, I need a plugin that renames all my final files of my project DSS stored in managed filesytem and put them under this name "old name-file_today" For example, if the name of a file is "Output-dataset", the new name will be "Output-dataset_17_02_2022" Thank you in advance for your return, Best regards, Yasmine
Dataset Component(Connector) in Custom Plugin in Dataiku
I have added the Dataset component in the plugin in Dataiku. It fetches the data using the python api for the last 30 minutes from a third-party application. Idea is to add this Dataset in the flow and refer to it from Plotly Visualisation in Dash type of Code WebApp and Visualisation should always show the latest data…
Help building Named Entity Recognition Plugin without Internet
Hi All, I have trouble building the named entity recognition plugin code environment (https://www.dataiku.com/product/plugins/named-entity-recognition/), in a machine without internet access as one of the packages "sentencepiece" requires outbound internet access to build. Is there any workaround to this? I need to get…
How to connect files in a folder to a dashboard
I am having a folder with certain excel files and I want to create a dataiku dashboard from these Excel files which might be having some link with each other. so how am I supposed to solve this issue
Dataiku custom webapp example not found
Hi, I tried following the example plugin from a webapp from the dataiku website https://knowledge.dataiku.com/latest/kb/customization/plugins/examples/webapp.html The webapp itself works fine, but when I try to use the plugin, the webapp doesn't show anything despite the logs saying that the webapp started. The webapp also…
VirtualBox Git Integration
I'm new to dataiku and installed dataiku DSS on a linux VM following the instructions here https://www.dataiku.com/product/get-started/virtualbox/ Next, I'd like to import code from Gitlab. Is the git integration available in the VM edition? And if yes, can you provide detailed instructions on how to set it up. Cheers
Webapp missing functionality in private browsing
Hi Dataikers I've created a webapp on Dataiku online. The expected functionality for a 'Filter Results' bar is to show several options for filtering (screenshot "non-private"). However, when I open the webapp in private browsing, this functionality isn't shown, saying "No results found" instead (screenshot "private"). This…