Web app - export result as HTML
Hi, I recently developped a Web App on Bokeh. On it, I added a button to save the result. Ideally, I would like save the HTML result in a folder to be able to download it. Unfortunately, on notebook, it works well but not in WebApp : it's like the folder was not found ... In plan B, I saved the result as a static insight…
Variable Usage in Partition's Custom Python Function
Hey everyone, I have a recipe that connects two partitioned datasets. In order to map which partitions to use from the input dataset, I'm using a python dependency function. In order for it to be as dynamic and practical as possible, I would like to use a global variable previously defined called threshold_date, but I…
Date_Diff not workable
in the joint recipe, i input below column to want to get date_diff, but not workable. who can help to check and give the correct formula. thanks. diff(OC_estimated_departure_time, 2ndPC_estimated_arrival_time, 'days') Operating system used: windows
KeyError: 'predictionType' when calling .get_settings() in BINARY_CLASSIFICATION task
Hello, I try to create 2 classification tasks using 1 dataset with different target column. Work fine: ```mltask1 = project.create_prediction_ml_task( input_dataset='Train', target_variable='Label1', ml_backend_type='PY_MEMORY', # ML backend to use guess_policy='DEFAULT', # Template to use for setting default parameters…
Changing names of datasets somewhere in the middle of a flow.
Hi, Dataiku community, Can we rename any dataset somewhere in the middle of the flow if I were to? I don't see any options for such. Is it possible or not?
Hive/Dremio table to pyspark Dataframe
import dataiku from dataiku import spark as dkuspark from pyspark import SparkContext from pyspark.sql import SQLContext from pyspark.sql import SparkSession sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) # Read recipe inputs internal= dataiku.Dataset("internal22") #internal22 is a hive table internal_df=…
How to check server's health
I was wondering if there is a fast and simple way for us to monitor our Dataiku DSS server. Is there some sort of gauge for us to immediately see if our server's health is healthy or not? This is mainly because I've read some of the documentations but it is not something that is easily understood for people that may not…
Source of Dataset
Please help me identify the URL of the dataset in the attached image. I want to use it for a course I am building and would like to attribute the owner or point users to to the URL. I do not remember where or how I got and I can't find it on the Internet.
Big query supported data types
Hi, I'm using Dataiku 11.3.0 Entreprise with BigQuery. I need to know the supported data types from Big Query, I found documentation but only about the dataiku 7 version. https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/7.0/connecting/sql/bigquery.html do you know where I could find more information for this version please? Thanks, VN.
Dataset error
Hi, Ive a flow built with a number of datasets and recipes. For some reason the very first dataset is generating an error now, How can I replace this first dataset with a new one without having to re do the subsequent recipes etc... Thanks, Dave