How to manage .xlsb files
I have a requirement to read 7 excel sheets as part of the source data files. I am selecting a folder and supposed to grab al the excel files available in the folder. 6 of the files are .xlsx files. However 1 of the file is .xlsb file. I am getting formatting errors . Please let me know how do I proceed. Operating system…
Processor FillEmptyWithComputedValue is not available in DSS engine
hello, the prepare recipe throws me that error and when i perform the data imputation the columns come out without that imputation Operating system used:
How to standardize the deployment in production of project in recipe code ?
I hesitated to write this article in the product Idea section because it is an issue that I find very important on the platform. The industrialization of use cases. I've been using the platform through different teams, use cases and IT and I think I'm at a fairly advanced point in the implementation of project deployment…
Bug? The legend for stacked bar charts are not showing in the dashboard
I am using the Dataiku 11.0.3 VM via virtualbox and have created several stacked bar charts. When I view the graphs on the dataset graph page it displays a legend showing which colors match to which categorical values. However when I publish the charts to the dashboard the legend does not appear. The graphs are still…
How to access one project variables from other projects via R code?
Hi Team, I have been trying to access the project variables of one project in an R Markdown report. This report generation could be triggered via any project. But I keep hitting the same error - Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized. I was wondering if the whole 'outside DSS APIs' python concept work in R language…
Classification and the probability scores are contradictory
Hi, I have trained a simple binary classification model and trying to predict unlabeled items in my dataset. My prediction returns the classification and also probability scores (proba_0 and proba_1), but my results are contradictory. Say for example when my classification is 1, my proba_1 must be > 0.5, but its not…
Looking for Test Cases for a Project
Hi Dataiku Community, I have a requirement to create test cases for a dataiku project. please help me by providing some example that how to write test cases for a dataiku project or if there is any document related to this topic please share.
times series train failed:all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exact
Hello Dataiku community I'm trying to train a time series models on adataset of aproximatly 1 milion lines. All the model are trained and give a score except DeepAR AND transformer. the message error is bellow with the log: Operating system used: WINDOWS
Error while running a script step When processing 'ArrayFold', the first 1 rows already used 1024 MB
I'm getting this error when trying to parse through output from an API call which comes back as 1 long json string. Setting the sample size doesn't help in this case because I'm just working with that 1 json string. any way to get around this error/warning? output is expected to be around 10k rows and 5 columns Operating…
Reading a BigQuery View
Hi, everyone. I'm trying to read a BigQuery View on my Dataiku project, but the next error appears: Cannot list a table of type VIEW. Caused by: GoogleJsonResponseException: 400 Bad Request GET. Do you know why It occurs? Thanks!