Dataset error
Hi, Ive a flow built with a number of datasets and recipes. For some reason the very first dataset is generating an error now, How can I replace this first dataset with a new one without having to re do the subsequent recipes etc... Thanks, Dave
Hide local variables for gitlap
Hello, i have set local variables in a project, which are used in a python script. As soon we push the project to gitlap we get a file in gitlab like this: Is it possible to exclude this file in the export to gitlab? Thank you! Operating system used: Linux
Course Checkpoint: Time Series Preparation
Hi, can you pls review the answers for Course Checkpoint: Time Series Preparation. I think I am getting 100% right but it still fails me.
input from dataset and dump output in folder
Hi Team, How can I dump the value of string datatype from a dataset(excel format) to the folder in text file format using python? like :FROM: pathtextmv.wavsdmgggggggggmgjsgajdmkdj now I want to create a text file(mv.txt) for the value of text column and save it in TO: the folder named Data, with hierarchy:…
How to total a column
What is the easiest/fastest way to total a column? Can you add a row below the data and have a total amount? Operating system used: Mac
Migrate\extract DSS flows to other ETL tools or vice versa.
HI Team, Is there a tool or a method that can be used to Migrate\extract DSS flows to other ETL tools or vice versa ?. Instead of building same dataflows from scratch on DSS. e.g. Microsoft SSIS dataflows to DSS or from DSS to SSIS?
DataIku Performance Pandas
Hi, We want to run multiple DQ SQL's against hive database and iterate across the results in python pandas. Do we have any specific limit of rows that we pandas can handle?
How to manage .xlsb files
I have a requirement to read 7 excel sheets as part of the source data files. I am selecting a folder and supposed to grab al the excel files available in the folder. 6 of the files are .xlsx files. However 1 of the file is .xlsb file. I am getting formatting errors . Please let me know how do I proceed. Operating system…
Processor FillEmptyWithComputedValue is not available in DSS engine
hello, the prepare recipe throws me that error and when i perform the data imputation the columns come out without that imputation Operating system used:
How to standardize the deployment in production of project in recipe code ?
I hesitated to write this article in the product Idea section because it is an issue that I find very important on the platform. The industrialization of use cases. I've been using the platform through different teams, use cases and IT and I think I'm at a fairly advanced point in the implementation of project deployment…