Referencing Dataiku
Hi, Is there any book or scholarly article that I can use as a reference to Dataiku DSS when writing a scholarly paper? Thanks, Dr. David D. Pokrajac Operating system used: MacOs
Partitions with pyspark and SPARK SQL
Hi, I have created Dataset and Dataframe in PySpark and want to create partition using one column. could you please help how can I achieve this. Similarly by using SPARKSQL need to create partition on non date column and that is part of schema, could you please help how can I create partition on it.
Delete user from object metadata
Hi all, The current behaviour on Dataiku when a user is deleted is to simply delete the user from the user base. This unfortunately doesn't delete them from project history nor from Dataiku objects' metadata (i.e. creation and modification); so even after a user is deleted, their login remains attached to projects,…
Update multiple DSS users to a single group
Hi all, Is there way to update multiple users to a group instead of update each users individually? Operating system used: Windows 10
DkuSnowpark KeyError: resolvedParams
So I recently came across this Dataiku Snowpark library and decided to explore it. Sometimes the connection works other time I keep getting this error: resolvedParams. How do I resolve it?
is it possible to use a long_callback or background callback in dash?
Hi, I am trying to use a long_callback or background callback to enable the ability to cancel a callback in a dash webapp. To use one of these methods you need to set up a callback manager using diskcache. I set up the manager and updated the app constructor with the new callback manager and now get the following error.…
Error in python process: direct access to folder is not possible.
Hello, I was going through tutorial - shared code and observed error as below, how to fix this? thanks a lot. Job failed: Error in python process: At line 11: <class 'Exception'>: Python process is running remotely, direct access to folder is not possible import dataikufrom dataiku import pandasutils as pduimport pandas as…
Dataiku Notifications
Hello, Does anybody knows how to make Dataiku stop showing every type of notification. I have the log in/ log out notification set off. However, the error and success of jobs done by my colleagues are still showing up. Already disabled watch, and it is still showing. Seeing this stuff popping up every time is not good.…
dkuSourceLibR() in Rmarkdown report error
Hello, Is there a way to import custom libraries in RMarkdown report? In R code recipe or in notebooks I can use dkuSourceLibR("name_of_library.R") but it results in an error in RMarkdown. library(dataiku) is correctly imported at the beginning of the report. Thanks.
Dataiku Project gallery
Hi, Can you guide me how i can import projects from Dataiku Project gallery to my Dataiku profile. I can't find the option to export it inside the project. Thank you. Operating system used: Windows