Hello, I am working on the hands-on exercise for tuning a model and i need to understand something.. why do we need to re-balance the model? where Dataiku DSS has already divided our samples into 80% and 20% why do we need to do this step and how to make a decision to choose which sampling method i need to do?
DSS is failing to download the tutorial for the ML Practitioner Assessment and I can't find the tutorial when I browse or search for it on Dataiku website. The full error message is: Could not download tutorials Not all tutorials are available here. You can download all sample projects and tutorials from our Learn website…
Hi, I can't access Dataiku Academy, it says "403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. Request blocked." Is there a problem with my credentials? Thanks.
お世話になります。 先ほど、刷新されたDataiku Advance Designer(日本語)の資格を取得できました(英語はすでに取得済み) しかしながら、ML Opsプラクティショナーの受験資格が得られないようでしてご確認いただけますでしょうか? どうやら、このエラーになっているアドバンスデザイナー認定証のリンクと、新しく取得したリンクが異なるようです。 エラーになっているリンク https://academy.dataiku.com/advanced-designer-certificate-japanese 今回受講したリンク…
Reference: Tutorial, Core Designer, Visual Recipe Group. Hi Dataiku, I am currently going through tutorials to prepare of 'Core Designer' certification. For every tutorial, I select from 'Learning Project', select the tutorial and install. I am facing repeated technical issue of 'Root path does not exist' when I click…
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