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list connections as NON-Admin

list connections as NON-Admin

Hello Community, 

I was wondering if it is possible to get a list of all available connection, if I am not a dataiku Admin.

It seems that the function is restricted to Admin only. 



import dataiku
client = dataiku.api_client()



results in 



DataikuException: com.dataiku.dip.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: Action forbidden, you are not admin



I'm not interested in all possible connections, only the ones that are available to me as user.

Thanks in advance.

Marc Robert

4 Replies


This endpoint retrieves all connections with their metadata. These informations should only be available to administrator.

As a result, we cannot let user use it to retrieve the connection list.

Could you share your current goal, to see if we can find a workaround?

Thank you,
Pierre B.


Hello Pierre, 

We have an advanced user, who is developing a plugin which does some automatic user-defined quality checks on a connection. This plugin should enable any of the users to select one of the available connections and have the quality checks performed. Since we have many connections (> 150), multiple teams (>40) and 3 different DSS instances, the user should only see/select their own connections in the plugin.

The fields of interest are :

  • the actual servername,
  • the actual database name,
  • the DSS connection name

We have tried to keep the DSS Connection name to be the combination of the actual Servername together with the actual database name.

Hope this helps.

Thanks in advance,

Marc Robert

0 Kudos


Currently, only the administrators could retrieve privileges associated to a connection. As a side effect, you cannot list connection if you are a user.

Due to this constraint, your use case will be really hard to achieve.

We will consider improving this behavior.


Pierre Bailly-Ferry

Level 5

@MRvLuijpen and @PierreB is there anyway to build the logic into the plugin itself? Specifically I see that  the code here: states you can dynamically generate the selections. 

I was fooling around with this because it seemed like an interesting puzzle. I think you can be able to combine some usage of the public and internal dataiku APIs to help. The biggest problem (and most probably a dealbreaker- is that I am not sure how  to hide the Admin API key -- having it embedded in plain text is gross I know.) If there is a way to externalize and reference the DSS host and API key (such that it is secure from unwanted eyes) This might work for you. 

import dataiku
import dataikuapi
import json

host= ''  # This DSS Host 
key=  "821323j7XyGx5T1nawyxY6gV1RSowc3"   #This is an ADMIN API Key

# Helper functions--- get the groups the user running the plugin belongs to
def get_users_groups():
    client= dataiku.api_client() # Will assume authorization from the DSS context (e.g. user running the plugin)
    user_settings = client.get_own_user().get_settings().settings
    return user_settings['groups']

# Helper functions--- use admin api key and public API to get all connection details:
def get_conns_and_groups(host, api_key):
    pub_client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(host, api_key)
    connections = pub_client.list_connections()
    return {conn: v['allowedGroups'] for conn, v in connections.iteritems()}

# Return a list of the dictionary choices that should populate the SELECT box
def get_appropriate_conns(host, api_key):
    all_conns = get_conns_and_groups(host, api_key) # All connections
    user_groups = get_users_groups() # User Groups
    available_connections = [] # Initialize list to store User's groups
    # Iterate over the "allowed groups" in check the groups allowed to use. If they align with any of the groups this user belongs to. Add it to their selections
    for conn, conn_groups in all_conns.iteritems():
        if not conn_groups: # If allowable groups is empty Anyone can use the connection (I THINK??)
            available_connections.append({'value': conn, "label": conn})
            for group in user_groups:
                if group in conn_groups:
                    available_connections.append({'value': conn, "label": conn})
    return available_connections

# Calculate the dictionary and return values to the SELECT
def do(payload, config, plugin_config, inputs):
    choices = get_appropriate_conns(host, key)
    return {"choices": choices}


Last note: Not 100% sure the logic to combine the connection details with the user's groups is 100% accurate.