How do I change or manual sort X axis in Chart?
Hello, I have another issue on dashboard. The chart it cannot sort or order manually. For example my X axis is '4 weeks ago' '3 weeks ago' '2 weeks ago' 'last week' in dataset the row is order like this, but in chart it sort by name. The chart shows '2 weeks ago' '3 weeks ago' '4 weeks ago' 'last week' In sort function,…
Log scale in scatter plots
In scatter plots the x-axis doesn't have the log-scale option. The y-axis does have the log-scale option but it doesn't do anything. The log-scale option for y-axis does work for bar graphs, though. I wonder if it is by design, or perhaps I'm missing some settings here.
Download or save matplotlib figure from notebook
I would like to download matplotlib figures I have created in a notebook to use them in communications. How can I do this. When I use savefig, I cannot find the resulting file anywhere. This is a company installation so I do not have terminal access to the server's file system, so I need a way to download the figure or…
Export from datafile to Power BI output table is empty
Dss_data table exported to Power BI is empty in power BI service, when the source in a dataflow is a csv from managed folder. If source is a database table then dss_table contains data.
How to plot 2 graphs in one chart ( analyzed data and set monthly targets )
I would like to display 2 graphs in one chart to compare how my analyzed dataset compare to the set monthly targets. I have looked around for tutorials but haven't seen any example like that.
Offline plot.ly does not render in a published notebook in a dashboard or an insight
Hi there, Running a python Jupyter notebook I can render beautiful offline plot.ly charts. However, when I publish the notebook to a dashboard, those charts are no longer visible. I can seem to publish the charts as individual insights using a static insight but I really like the idea of keeping it within the published…
Question dashboard
Bonjour, dans les dashboards, j'ai créé un camembert et je voudrais pouvoir afficher les valeurs dans les différents segments. Comment faire svp, merci.
FEATURE REQUEST: make updateable plots programmatically with python node in dataiku
We have a "streaming" or "batch data" use case with about 100 features. We would like to make 50 plots with 2 selected columns each. This is very tedious to do manually with the current only possibility in dataiku. A notebook could be used to make the plots programmatically, however they would not update when the data is…
Is it possible to visualize a decision tree in Dataiku DSS?
adjust chart setting
Hi, I need to draw more than 90,000 objects. can you pls advise how can I adjust the chart settings?