Convert Boolean Variables to 0/1
When I bring Boolean variables to my model, it treats them as Categorical. The default option is to dummy encode which makes a column of var_false and var_true. It should convert the boolean in the column to 0 and 1, to leave it as one column, not make a second redundant column.
Document the start_tool flow options
A user can trigger a flow consistency check using the following API code: import dataikuclient = dataiku.api_client() project_handle = client.get_project("some project key")flow_handle = project_handle.get_flow()tool = flow_handle.start_tool(type='CHECK_CONSISTENCY')options = { "recheckAll": False, "datasets":…
Year not displayed on Code Env Last Modified column
The Year is not displayed on the Code Env Last Modified column. As a result the Last Modified is misleading since it says the day and month but not the year. As a sample in the attached screen shot you see "Wednesday, 29 March" however this is not for the current year and you have to look at the logs to find out what year…
Analyze - more value and actions
In a Project, under Explore, then Analyze, Numerical, there is the little option at the bottom to expand "more value and actions". This cannot be undone / reversed unless the window is closed and you start again.
SQL Notebooks: Allow for Tables/Queries left pane to be resizeable
In SQL Notebooks we would want the Tables/Queries left pane to be resizeable. This is because our table names are preffix with the environment name and then the project ID which means that there are only a few characters left visible for the table name, sometimes not even that (see sample below). We would like to be able…
add a symbol to datasets protected by an "explicit" or "write-protected" rebuild behaviour
It would be beneficial to add a symbol to datasets in the flow when their default rebuild behavior is not set to "normal" (specifically when the rebuild behaviour is configured to either "explicit" or "write-protected"). This addition is important because users may find themselves unsettled by the errors that arise when…
Add "asStr" as a Formula Language Function
User Story: As a data analyst who frequently works with strings that look like numbers for example 00 or 08404, it would be useful to have a formula function like asBool() or asDate() that would keep auto typing from happening and enter these values in a column as a string not a number. Conditions of Satisfaction: * Clear…
Flow Dataset preview respects the set Dataset filter
User Story: As a data analyst that is trying to debug a flow with large datasets, I would like to be able to set a filter on datasets, And then when I get back to the flow use the preview to see the transformation that occurs to my selected set of records as it is transformed throughout the flow. Conditions of…
New Seed paramater for rand() visual recipe formula function
User Story As a data analyst who is using the rand() function in a formulas step in a visual recipe, it would be great if there were a third and optional paramater of a rand() function for a seed number that would cause the randomization to always occur in the same way. This would allow me to determine when I want to keep…
Allow the use of different font sizes on within Dashboards
When creating Dashboards in Dataiku,I would like the option to select the font size for: - Text Boxes (currently only 2 sizes are available). - Metric Tiles (the text seems to fill the space available, which means if I have more than one metric the size of the text can be different. I would like to be able to select a…