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Subprocess failed to connect, it probably crashed at startup. Check the logs., caused by: SocketExce

Level 1
Subprocess failed to connect, it probably crashed at startup. Check the logs., caused by: SocketExce


while training LSTM time series model using the blog  I am facing the below error.

1st question. ```

Training failed

Read the logs
Sub process failed to connect, it probably crashed at startup. Check the logs., caused by: Socket Exception: Socket closed


2nd: How this was related and where this steps can be implemented from my end (screen shot attached)


Operating system used: Windows

Operating system used: Windows

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2 Replies

Hi @balu ,
Subprocess failed to connect indicates an issue, most likely a missing package or an incompatible version of numpy install in your code env.

Can you please reach out to support:

Please provide a training log directly. The link provided is not accessible outside of your network.
The code env diagnostics from the code env or list of packages to install. 


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Level 2

Same error occurred for me in Prompt Studios within DSS 12.5.2 and adding langchain-community<0.0.27 in my code environment fixed it.

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