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Sharing Dashboard URL with non DSS users

Level 2
Sharing Dashboard URL with non DSS users

Hello everyone,

I built a dashboard on DSS and would like to share it with non DSS users.

I tried to look for sharing public dashboards, but the usage of public in DSS means public within the Organization which means they have to be users of the platform, but not external ?

I need to share some insights with collaborators but don't want to add their accounts in the system necessarily

any idea ?



4 Replies
Level 5

@RadAniba I love the collaboration features of DSS (viewing, commenting, access to wikis, dashboards, etc. ) so I typically favor adding users to DSS and engaging that way. BUT, in response to your original question, I am not sure you can grant dashboard access to someone that is not in DSS (with at least reader access):

You have two other options for sharing your findings :

1. Export the dashboard as a PNG or PDF and then distribute with your collaborators: The benefit of this approach is that you needn't bring other users into DSS, but the drawback is that you have to manual export the dashboards each/any time you change them and you have to track any comments/feedback regarding the dashboard content manually (via email, or spreadsheet or something). (sharing dashboards within DSS would allow collaborators to see your latest dashboards without extra action from you, and discussions around the findings in the dashboard would be trackable/auditable within the context of the project). 

2. You could possibly make a Webapp (seems way overkill if I understand your use case, but thought to mention it) which can be given public access.


At my organization, I'm asked a lot about that kind of feature: sharing the Dashboards with non dss users. For example, embedding them in another page or a content management platform like confluence.

@tim-wright, how does it work for you to include people that are not generally using DSS? Do they adapt, or do you still get people asking to export the insights in a different way?

0 Kudos
Level 5

@Ignacio_Toledo It depends on the audience. If I am anticipating some reluctance from my user, I will:

  1. Make sure that the dashboard layout is deliberately designed and requires minimal clicking (without clicking around) and
  2. Share the dashboard URL with the user - so they can navigate directly to the page.

I will say most of these people are familiar with dashboard interfaces so the UX is fairly familiar/straightforward.

Occasionally I will send an email with an image (like below) showing them exactly where to click to initiate a discussion so they can leave feedback. Another option (I have done something similar with other tools, but never with DSS) would be to create a 10-15 second screen recording showing how to do the same.




Thanks @tim-wright, that is really insightful. Most probably the solution will be to remain flexible: when the interaction is minimal, the DSS dashboards are a great solution; in other cases we will need to start thinking about the webapps.



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