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How can we export the predicted data table of a model to CSV?

How can we export the predicted data table of a model to CSV?

Hi, everyone, 

I trained a Random Forest model on a train data set and made predictions on test data. I can view the results of the predictions from the model in " Predicted Data " tab . I want to export the table that has predictions and prediction probability but dont know how to do it. Can anyone please suggest how we can do it.




4 Replies

You need to create scoring recipe from the model you trained and build a dataset with this scoring recipe.

Once this is done (if your security configuration allows you to do so ) you will be able to export this dataset to different formats including csv .
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Level 2
How do you create a "scoring recipe"? Can you please point out how i should do that ? I dont see any options to do that in that page
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Dataiker Alumni
Select your test dataset from the flow, in the actions bar you will see "predict" and "cluster" recipes toward the bottom, they are used to apply already trained models.
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Level 1

I applied scoring recipe to export out predicted data & it provides a different sets of data. Is there other ways to export out predicted data

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