API Designer & Deployer

Reference documentation

API Designer

class dataikuapi.dss.apiservice.DSSAPIServiceSettings(client, project_key, service_id, settings)

The settings of an API Service in the API Designer

Do not create this directly, use DSSAPIService.get_settings()


Gets the raw settings of this API Service. This returns a reference to the raw settings, not a copy, so changes made to the returned object will be reflected when saving.

Return type:dict
add_prediction_endpoint(endpoint_id, saved_model_id)

Adds a new “visual prediction” endpoint to this API service

  • endpoint_id (str) – Identifier of the new endpoint to create
  • saved_model_id (str) – Identifier of the saved model (deployed to Flow) to use

Saves back these settings to the API Service

class dataikuapi.dss.apiservice.DSSAPIService(client, project_key, service_id)

An API Service from the API Designer on the DSS instance

Do not create this directly, use dataikuapi.dss.project.DSSProject.get_api_service()


Gets the settings of this API Service


List the versions of this API service

Returns:a list of dictionaries, with one item per version. Each dictionary contains at least a ‘id’ field which is the version identifier
Return type:list of dict

Create a new version of this API service

Parameters:package_id (str) – Identifier of the new version to create

Delete a version of this API service


Download a package archive that can be deployed in a DSS API Node, as a binary stream.

Warning: this stream will monopolize the DSSClient until closed.

download_package_to_file(package_id, path)

Download a package archive that can be deployed in a DSS API Node, into the given output file.

API Deployer

class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployer(client)

Handle to interact with the API Deployer.

Do not create this directly, use dataikuapi.dss.DSSClient.get_apideployer()


Lists deployments on the API Deployer

Parameters:as_objects (boolean) – if True, returns a list of DSSAPIDeployerDeployment, else returns a list of dict. Each dict contains at least a field “id” indicating the identifier of this deployment
Returns:a list - see as_objects for more information
Return type:list

Returns a handle to interact with a single deployment, as a DSSAPIDeployerDeployment

Parameters:deployment_id (str) – Identifier of the deployment to get
Return type:DSSAPIDeployerDeployment
create_deployment(deployment_id, service_id, infra_id, version)

Creates a deployment and returns the handle to interact with it. The returned deployment is not yet started and you need to call start_update()

  • deployment_id (str) – Identifier of the deployment to create
  • service_id (str) – Identifier of the API Service to target
  • infra_id (str) – Identifier of the deployment infrastructure to use
  • version_id (str) – Identifier of the API Service version to deploy
Return type:



Lists deployment infrastructures on the API Deployer

Parameters:as_objects (boolean) – if True, returns a list of DSSAPIDeployerInfra, else returns a list of dict. Each dict contains at least a field “id” indicating the identifier of this infra
Returns:a list - see as_objects for more information
Return type:list

Returns a handle to interact with a single deployment infra, as a DSSAPIDeployerInfra

Parameters:infra_id (str) – Identifier of the infra to get
Return type:DSSAPIDeployerDeployment

Lists API services on the API Deployer

Parameters:as_objects (boolean) – if True, returns a list of DSSAPIDeployerService, else returns a list of dict. Each dict contains at least a field “id” indicating the identifier of this Service
Returns:a list - see as_objects for more information
Return type:list

Creates a new API Service on the API Deployer and returns the handle to interact with it.

Parameters:service_id (str) – Identifier of the API Service to create
Return type:DSSAPIDeployerService

Returns a handle to interact with a single service, as a DSSAPIDeployerService

Parameters:service_id (str) – Identifier of the API service to get
Return type:DSSAPIDeployerService


class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerInfra(client, infra_id)

A Deployment infrastructure on the API Deployer

Do not create this directly, use get_infra()


Gets the settings of this infra. If you want to modify the settings, you need to call save() on the returned object

Returns:a dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerInfraSettings
class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerInfraSettings(client, infra_id, settings)

The settings of an API Deployer Infra.

Do not create this directly, use get_settings()


Gets the type of this infra, either STATIC or K8S

add_apinode(url, api_key, graphite_prefix=None)

Adds an API node to the list of nodes of this infra.

Only applicable to STATIC infrastructures


Gets the raw settings of this infra. This returns a reference to the raw settings, not a copy, so changes made to the returned object will be reflected when saving.

Return type:dict

Saves back these settings to the infra

API Services

class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerService(client, service_id)

An API service on the API Deployer

Do not create this directly, use get_service()


Returns status information about this service. This is used mostly to get information about which versions are available and which deployments are exposing this service

Return type:dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerServiceStatus
import_version(version_id, fp)

Imports a new version for an API service from a file-like object pointing to a version package Zip file

  • version_id (string) – identifier of the new version
  • fp (string) – A file-like object pointing to a version package Zip file

Gets the settings of this service. If you want to modify the settings, you need to call save() on the returned object.

The main things that can be modified in a service settings are permissions

Returns:a dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerServiceSettings
class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerServiceSettings(client, service_id, settings)

The settings of an API Deployer Service.

Do not create this directly, use get_settings()


Gets the raw settings of this deployment. This returns a reference to the raw settings, not a copy, so changes made to the returned object will be reflected when saving.

Return type:dict

Saves back these settings to the API service

class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerServiceStatus(client, service_id, light_status)

The status of an API Deployer Service.

Do not create this directly, use get_status()


Returns the versions of this service that have been published on the API Service

Each version is a dict that contains at least a “id” field, which is the version identifier

Returns:a list of versions, each as a dict containing a “id” field
Return type:list of dicts

Gets the raw status information. This returns a dictionary with various information about the service, :rtype: dict


class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerDeployment(client, deployment_id)

A Deployment on the API Deployer

Do not create this directly, use get_deployment()


Returns status information about this deployment

Return type:dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerDeploymentStatus

Gets the settings of this deployment. If you want to modify the settings, you need to call save() on the returned object

Returns:a dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerDeploymentSettings

Starts an asynchronous update of this deployment to try to match the actual state to the current settings

a dataikuapi.dss.future.DSSFuture tracking the progress of the update. Call
wait_for_result() on the returned object

to wait for completion (or failure)


Deletes this deployment

You may only delete a deployment if it is disabled and has been updated after disabling it.

class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerDeploymentSettings(client, deployment_id, settings)

The settings of an API Deployer deployment.

Do not create this directly, use get_settings()


Gets the raw settings of this deployment. This returns a reference to the raw settings, not a copy, so changes made to the returned object will be reflected when saving.

Return type:dict

Enables or disables this deployment


Sets this deployment to target a single version of the API service

Parameters:version (str) – Identifier of the version to set

Saves back these settings to the deployment

class dataikuapi.dss.apideployer.DSSAPIDeployerDeploymentStatus(client, deployment_id, light_status, heavy_status)

The status of an API Deployer deployment.

Do not create this directly, use get_status()


Gets the ‘light’ (summary) status. This returns a dictionary with various information about the deployment, but not the actual health of the deployment

Return type:dict

Gets the ‘heavy’ (full) status. This returns a dictionary with various information about the deployment :rtype: dict


Returns service-level URLs for this deployment (ie without the enpdoint-specific suffix)


Returns the health of this deployment as a string

Returns:HEALTHY if the deployment is working properly, various other status otherwise
Return type:string

Returns messages about the health of this deployment