Interactive chart in DSS
Hello, Is it possible to make an interactive chart in DSS chart's section. By interactive chart, I mean a chart that changes according to user selection ? Thank you.
Hiding columns in table view
Is there a way to hide columns directly from the table view? It's helpful to be able to a compare values across columns, without having to also look at all the other columns. A hide/unhide option in the column action menu would be ideal.
Increase the number of Top N values while doing Analyze on one column in Prepare recipe
Hi, We have a dataset which has around 100K records and has column with name Brand. When we do Analyze on Brand column, as per sample data it shows distinct values. But when we compute on "Whole data" it just shows Top 10 Distinct values only though it has around 20 distinct values. Now to apply Mass Action on data, we…
Dataset -> Analyze column: Approximate or precise?
When I analyze a column in a dataset, I have the options "sample" and "whole data". On "whole data", i only get the percentages of empty vs. non-empty, in "Sample", I also get the number of unique values. I assume this is because doing the job on "Whole data" uses an approximate method like HyperLogLog? If so, what is the…
Dataset -> Analyze column fails predictably on big datasets
I have a semi-big dataset (9GB, ~25 Mio entries). I tried to get a first look at it by doing Dataset -> Clicking on any column -> Analyze -> on "whole data". This starts the following process: ... which fails everytime. I tried storing the dataset on Hive and as a single local file. It always fails, in Hadoop it fails…
Selectively Import Columns when connecting to a table
We have multiple tables that are easily over 200 columns per table, is there a way to quickly select which columns to bring in? Right now we are importing everything and then manually deleting one at a time, which seems inefficient. Thanks!
Cross Correlation
Is there an in-built feature to do cross correlation analysis in Dataiku? Something along the lines of "xcorr" from pyplot in matplotlb. Thanks
Sorting in Analyze
How can I sort a dataset in the Analyze section over a column?