"Version control" buton is not found on dss 8.0.6
I can't find the " verison controle", some help please
How to import code from Git into a DSS project library
Can you import code from Git to be used within a Dataiku DSS project? Yes! An important end goal of writing code is to be able to reuse it, whether within a DSS project, across projects within a DSS instance, or for projects external to DSS. To this end, you can define code libraries within DSS that contain reusable code,…
How to import code from GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket
When working with code, it's widespread to use libraries for isolating any reusable pieces of code and version them separately from the projects in which they're used. If they are available in a Git repository, DSS provides a way to import Python and R libraries so that they can be used in any code capability of DSS,…
Getting Started with the Dataiku DSS Plugin Store
What is the Plugin Store, and how do I access it? A plugin is a package of reusable components that extends the functionality of Dataiku DSS. When you develop a plugin, you are extending the native capabilities of DSS. A plugin contains one or more components. A component is a GUI wrapper around custom code that exposes a…