Use ImpalaExecutor in Python Public API
Hi, we are using ImpalaExecutor object from dataiku.core.sql to show a table definition. Code like this runs nicely and runs in MUS environment under the user running the python recipe: from dataiku.core.sql import ImpalaExecutor imp=ImpalaExecutor(database="work") df=imp.query_to_df("show create table....") The question…
Different delegationUID for every user in JDBC connections
Hi, is it possible in DSS 5 set up separate delegationUID ( Impala specific JDBC property) for every user? The property can be set from system variables, but I dont know how to set it to the current user's name. Something like this: for users in DSS "abc1234", "xyz2345" I would like to use their user ID's in the jdbc…
Create sync recipe with python code
Hi, how can I create a impala sync recipe with the Public API? I have the source managed dataset stored as parquet and I would like to create a code recipe with sql like "select count(*) from mytable" into a new parquet managed dataset. So far I have been using this, but this method assumes that the output dataset is…