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want to pick up data with relative date range(past * days)

Level 2
want to pick up data with relative date range(past * days)


during pre-filter step, i only want to get the new dataset with limited data. so it should be updated autolly on daily basis.

I tried below formula but it is not workable.

( diff(val(now()),val('work_order_created_date')) >= 10 )

Please help me to get the right methods.

Thank you veyr much.

Operating system used: Windows

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5 Replies
Dataiker Alumni


The challenge you describe is solved using the partitions functionality, which allows you to process a subset of data from a relative time range (see attached image).

My suggestions is that you start by completing this academy course on the subject,

I hope this helps.

Best regards



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Level 2


actually,i can not find the function in my screenshot, how to active it? btw, if any formula solution you can help to solve this issue? thank you very much.

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Level 2

also i can not find the date range function in building page which showed in video as well.

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Dataiker Alumni


That is because your dataset is not partitioned yet. Please complete the academy course that I indicated to first learn the concepts and understand how to use it.

Best regards

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Level 2

prefilter stage.png

in this prefilter stage, if possible to get only recent 10 days data only as one recipe.

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