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Webapps Dash - interaction between webapps

Level 1
Webapps Dash - interaction between webapps


I have an issue using webapp dash functionality.
I'm currently working on creating an interactive map that can display layers and apply filters at the user's convenience.
To do this using my current solution, the user must first load its .geojson files and instructions (points and polygons) throughout an homemade form (using dash features and extensions). These files are then saved in dataiku folders from the current flow.
In a second time, another piece of code allows to use the files saved in the folders and to generate the map.
These two pieces of code work very well independently.
However, once the complete consolidated code is created, the code does not work anymore because the map generation code runs in the backend even before the files are loaded (so the map is always empty). I can't find any dash function or callback configuration to help me for the moment.

I wonder then, is there a way to make two webapps interact successively so that : 1) the user can upload these geojson files using our solution (not uploading directly on dataiku folders), 2) once the files are saved, the map can be generated?

Thank you in advance,


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1 Reply

Hi Antoine, 

Have you tried looking at adding prevent_initial_call attribute in the callback:

That may help if not perhaps you can share a snippet of your code to get a better idea of your code.



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