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Visual Recipe Geocode Zip Code database

Visual Recipe Geocode Zip Code database

In the united states from time to time we add new zip codes.

The Zipcode 29486 has been added to state of South Carolina in recent months.

What are the plans to keep the zip code database up to date?  Is there a way that I can manually update the database that supports this function?  I do note that I'm using a slightly old DSS v 10.0.3 in this case.


Operating system used: Windows 11 - WWL2 - Ubuntu 18.04

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2 Replies

Hi @tgb417,

The database that is used comes from a geocoding service provider of your choosing. If for example, you are using US census, you should be able to check whether the zip code has been added by going to the US census bureau website ( 

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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Thanks for getting back to me.  I specifically talking about the visual recipe ZipCode Step.  I've identified a ZIP code that is not in the recipe's data set because the ZIP code was created back in July of this year by the USPS, and my DSS version is a bit older than that. 

If I understand correctly this Zip code based recipe step does not connect to a geo code api server but has a local data store.  My guess is that this data is part of the python library ZIP codes.  My question are:

  • does the Dataiku team actively update the version of the library that comes with DSS?
  • Is there a way for me to update this generally, or specifically to include the data I have.

This was really more specifically a maintenance question around data that comes with DSS that changes over time.

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