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Update Type and Remarks next to Table name while Importing Dataset from redshift using "Search and Import"

Level 3
Update Type and Remarks next to Table name while Importing Dataset from redshift using "Search and Import"

We are using redshift as a source and target in our projects and source database has lots of tables in it. To help the users we want to show the remarks next to table name while user import the tables on "Search and Import" option. We tried to add the comment for table as provided by redshift documentation but it didn't help. Could you please tell how the type and remark details are being pulled so that we can update it accordingly.


Ravi Agrawal
0 Kudos
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager


Thank you for your feedback. We will consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.


Jeremy, Product Manager at Dataiku
0 Kudos


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