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JSON on hadoop ?

Level 1
JSON on hadoop ?

This is related to my last question, i'm still not convinced that there is a full json support ...

So to recreate the problem with a simpler and valid json

echo -e "{"foo": 123, "bar": 444}\n{"foo": 111, "bar": 321}" > simple_valid_json

hdfs dfs -put simple_valid_json

and then i'm able to create a simple_valid_json_dataset dataset via DSS ... but when i want to do something with it...

mydataset = dataiku.Dataset("simple_valid_json_dataset")

df = dkuspark.get_dataframe(sqlContext, mydataset)

df.count() -> returns an exception !

Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o22.count.
: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported input format : json
at com.dataiku.dip.shaker.mrimpl.formats.UniversalFileInputFormat.lazyInit(
at com.dataiku.dip.shaker.mrimpl.formats.UniversalFileInputFormat.getSplits(


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5 Replies
Hi q666,

There are several issues with that json:
- You need to escape the quotes for the keys.
- For arrays, you need to have a comma separated list, surrounded by square brackets [].

With this corrected version, there should not be any issues:
echo -e "[{\"foo\": 123, \"bar\": 444},\n{\"foo\": 111, \"bar\": 321}]" > simple_valid_json
0 Kudos
Level 1
ah i see so u expect one single json object in the file... and not as spark does with multiple self contained json objects separate with newline ...

its a pity that i can't use DSS when i have one file with multiple self contained json objects as in Spark ...
0 Kudos
Level 1
i could use the syntax"json").load("simple_json") in pySpark, ignoring the input as dataset from dss but thats not so nice isn't it 😛
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Can you try with a "one row per line" instead of "json"? I'm not sure but this might work.
Jeremy, Product Manager at Dataiku
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Level 1
tried, it works ! 🙂 but i need to parse "flatten" the json later so the process is a bit slower then using a pyspark job that connect directly to the source on hdfs
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