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Is there python apikey for push action to version control

Level 3
Is there python apikey for push action to version control

I connected my dataikue server to remote bitbucket repository.

Now, I want to build jenkins pipeline, which using python apikey for push action to the version control. is there such a thing?

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3 Replies


At the moment, there is no API for DSS Git integration.

Please note however that the Git integration is based on "real" Git repositories. If you go to "DSS_DATADIR/config/projects/YOUR_PROJECT", you are in a Git repository, and you can use any Git command line operation, as you would on any Git repository.

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Level 3

Does push happens automatically or it should be performed manually? and if its manually, is it possible to write python api for push action?

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Level 3

Any update for it? ๐Ÿ™‚ it's pretty urgent for us for future development

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