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How to save interactive graph on Dataiku Dashboard

Level 3
How to save interactive graph on Dataiku Dashboard

Currently, I am saving the plots in `insights` using


After that, I am adding those static insights on the `dashboard`.

Those graphs are lifeless, I mean they are just images.

Can we save interactive graphs like what offers? For that do we need to save some sort of html?

Please any helpful guidance will be appreciated.

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2 Replies

Hi @epsi95 ,

If you like to work with figures the insights API has a save_plotly() method you can use.

For reference, you would do something like this:

from dataiku import insights

# f is a figure, or any object that can be passed to iplot()

insights.save_plotly("plotly_plot", f)

Then, navigate to your dashboard and add a "static insight" to the dashboard and pick your plotly plot 

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Level 3

Unfortunately, this does not answer my question. But thanks anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

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