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Getting streamlit code studio to use the project code environment

Level 6
Getting streamlit code studio to use the project code environment



I made a Python 3.8 code environment in dataiku that mimics the code environement I sue to run my streamlit app on my PC.  However, the Streamlit app on dataiku seems to use a hard-coded code environment.  Is there any way to configure this by the project owner?



Operating system used: Windows 10

1 Solution
10 Replies

Hi @info-rchitect ,
You can't configure a code env for the Streamlit Code Studio.
You can, however add an additional package to the Streamlit block in the Code Studio template.

Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 8.25.16 PM.png

Hope that helps!

Level 6

@AlexT  thx for the reply.  Unfortunately fixing us to Python 3.7 is a non-starter as we need at least 3.81 to take full advantage of our Snowflake Python ecosystem.  Can the default Python version for the Streamlit code studio be changed by our system admin?

0 Kudos

Currently, there is no supported way to change Python3.7 for streamlit block,  but we are actively working on making this available in a upcomming release.

Level 1

Hello @info-rchitect @AlexT

Can't we solve this problem by appending the following lines in the Dockerfile of the Code Studio templates? We can delete the default version of python which is 3.7 and reinstall python3.10 for example here.

USER root

WORKDIR /opt/dataiku

# Custom streamlit env with python 3.10

RUN rm -rf /opt/dataiku/python-code-envs/pyenv-streamlit

RUN python3.10 -m venv /opt/dataiku/python-code-envs/pyenv-streamlit

RUN source /opt/dataiku/python-code-envs/pyenv-streamlit/bin/activate && pip install streamlit numpy==1.23.5 pandas

USER dataiku

WORKDIR /home/dataiku


You could try, but this would void support, and we wouldn't be able to provide any support around Streamlit.

We plan on releasing a more robust way to include a custom code env for streamlit in upcoming releases.

If you check INSTALL_DIR/resources/plugins/code-studio-blocks/python-code-studio-blocks/streamlit/ this is hardcoded to Python37 right now.



@AlexT thanks for letting us know code studios are getting some attention. They are wonderful in general but could be much more flexible. The hack above works well for now to get 3.9 installed.

0 Kudos

@importthepandas code envs for Streamlit block is now available in 12.1

Level 2

I have tried to use a custom code env, but get the following error when trying to build the code studio template. It's not very helpful, so I have no way of knowing what went wrong.

`Failed to build images for template streamlit_LLM : Failed to apply block : <class 'NameError'> : name 'name' is not defined`

0 Kudos


Have you also added the code env block in the code studio template for the code env you plan on using?

This is also required

Also make sure you add altair<5 in the code requirements?


0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks @AlexT. That's what I was missing!

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