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Fetching folder and then excel file from that folder from S3 bucket in python

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Fetching folder and then excel file from that folder from S3 bucket in python


Actually, I was fetching my folder easily from server's filesystem by using this code:

# Read recipe inputs

data_folder = dataiku.Folder("G9VbZqIP").get_path()
data_path= os.path.join(data_folder, "housing_magic.xlsx")

but as my now i want to access the folder and file which is stored in s3 bucket. How can i do it?

(Note: folder and file has been already stored in S3 bucket)

Operating system used: windows11

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1 Reply

Hi @Nainish09,

Indeed you'll need to use remote access since the data is now stored on S3.  Instead of using os.path, you'll want to use the managed folder API get_download_stream() to read your excel file. 

So you would simply do something like this instead:

from dataiku
import pandas as pd
folder = dataiku.Folder("G9VbZqIP")
with folder.get_download_stream("housing_magic.xlsx") as stream:
    df = pd.read_excel(

For example:

Screen Shot 2023-04-07 at 4.37.54 PM.png
If you run into any issues, let us know! 



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