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Code environment - issue with docker image

Level 3
Code environment - issue with docker image


In our automation node, we try to update a code environment by adding containerized execution.

During the update, at the time the docker image is being built, we get the following error message : Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

The docker is up as we can use other code environment setup with this docker in Python notebook. Moreover the test of the docker from the administration screen works fine too.

Please, did you already face the same issue ?

We had it also in the past and the only way we found was to restart the DSS instance. This is a production instance and we can't stop it like that as business end users are using it.

Any suggestion is welcome.


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1 Reply

Cannot connect unix:///var/run/docker.sock suggests a permission issue.

To access docker socket you need to ensure the DSS user is added to the docker group.

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker <DSS_SYSTEM_USER>
sudo systemctl restart docker

This should be done when setting up DSS initially and as long as docker group is unchanged and the docker daemon running it should no be an issue.

If you make the above changes while DSS is already running you may need to restart DSS as well.

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