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BackendStartFailedException Error while creating a webapp

Level 3
BackendStartFailedException Error while creating a webapp


I'm facing an error while creating the R shiny web app as follows.

Oops: an unexpected error occurred

Backend died before startup complete, caused by: IOException: Kernel process return code is 1

Please see our options for getting help

HTTP code: 500, type: com.dataiku.dip.autorestart.AutoRestartingProcessRunner$BackendStartFailedException

Why am I getting this error? How do I resolve it?

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2 Replies

The DATADIR/run/backend.log would have more information on the reason it fails.

It may be due to insufficient memory and process being OOM killed by kernel.

If you can reproduce the issue, generate and instance diagnostics and submit a support ticket, that would be the easier path to finding the cause.


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Level 2

I'm facing the error too

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