recommendation for the sizing of the DSS installation server for 25 users

Romeo Registered Posts: 6 ✭✭✭✭

For about 25 users, what would be your recommendation for the sizing of the DSS installation server in terms of CPU, RAM, storage, ...? Thank you :)


  • Clément_Stenac
    Clément_Stenac Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 753 Dataiker

    It's difficult to give a general answer to this kind of questions, as it depends a lot on the kinds of workloads that are envisioned. There can be an order of magnitude in requirements between a team of data analysts only performing visual data preparation on Spark (thus, offloading all work to the Spark server) and a team of data scientists doing heavy in-memory Python/R code and/or machine learning.

    We would advise that you ask your Dataiku sales contact who will be able to give a better answer knowing your context
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