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dataiku python

Level 1
dataiku python

I am a beginner. Now I have written my code in Python. I want to use postman to access my written Python code in the form of HTTP. Now I have a problem that I can't solve by myself. I want to ask if there is a video example for my reference to help me complete this study

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5 Replies

Hi @2017-sky,

So once you have created your Python API endpoint to be able to access this via Postman you need to deploy to an API node. 

Call the API node/endpoint URL with the correct port. 

Please note that API Nodes are only available on specific paid license types. What license do you currently have?

Once you endpoint is deployed you can query it from Postman like so :
Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 15.00.59.png An attached short video on how to deploy to a Static API node.

Note my API node infrastructure was already configured you have 2 options really :

Kind Regards,


Level 1

Hello, we applied for it from the competitor. Can you give us a complete process video

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What in particular are you looking for? How to create the API Node Infrastructure?

This warrants a broader understanding depending on your available infrastructure  

Have you been in touch with anyone directly at Dataiku? 

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Level 1

As I said, I just want to access the output results of my Python code through post request and interface. The examples and videos you gave can't effectively help beginners, which is very unfriendly

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@2017-sky ,

You might find the following academy course to be of interest.

Note this is a on the advanced end of the courses.  It may make some assumptions about what you already know about using Dataiku.  It talks about how to deploy a visually created API for prediction.  However, it does go through a bunch of steps around getting API setup.

Just a thought.  I hope it is of some help.


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