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Use GPU in Virtual Machine

Level 3
Use GPU in Virtual Machine

I am currently running Dataiku 11 on a windows machine hosting a Red Hat 8 VM (on VM Ware Workstation Pro), and I would like to utilize the GPU in the computer

My computer has a Quadro k6000 and when I check the VM, I find:

$ lspci | grep -e VGA
00:0f.0 VGA compatible controller: VMware SVGA II Adapter

Is there a way to utilize the GPU within the Dataiku VM?

Operating system used: Red Hat 8 VM

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2 Replies

GPU Passthrough means that the guest OS gets direct access to the graphics adapter.

In that case the guest OS directly controls the GPU and you need another GPU for the host OS.

VMware Workstation does not support GPU passthrough.

You will need to install RHEL natively in your computer or look for another virtualisation OS host that supports GPU Passthrough. In general this is not supported or support is experimental. People in the enterprise don't usually run GPUs under virtualisation.

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Level 3

Thanks Turribeach.

Look for another virtualisation OS host that supports GPU Passthrough.

Do you have any good suggestions?

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