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SFTP Conecction Fail

Level 1
SFTP Conecction Fail

Hello  Team  I   trying  to connect  to  specific  path  sftp   but   I  have  this  error

[15:11:14] [INFO] [dku.remotefiles.ssh.jsch] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Next authentication method: password
[15:11:15] [INFO] [dku.remotefiles.ssh.jsch] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Authentication succeeded (password).
[15:11:15] [DEBUG] [dku.remotefiles.sftp] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Stats for remote file 'kairos_kairos_CR/Forescating/Auto_kairos/Sales'
[15:11:16] [DEBUG] [dku.remotefiles.sftp] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Stats for remote file 'kairos_kairos_CR/Forescating/Auto_kairos/Sales'
[15:11:17] [DEBUG] [dku.remotefiles.sftp] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Stats for remote file kairos_kairos_CR/Forescating/Auto_kairos/Sales
[15:11:17] [DEBUG] [dku.remotefiles.sftp] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Stats for remote file 'kairos_kairos_CR'
[15:11:17] [DEBUG] [dku.remotefiles.sftp] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Stats for remote file 'kairos_kairos_CR/Forescating'
[15:11:18] [INFO] [dku.remotefiles.ssh.jsch] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Disconnecting from port 22
[15:11:18] [ERROR] [dku.flow.jobrunner] running compute_iaLbzxMG_NP - Activity unexpectedly failed SFTP error
at com.dataiku.dip.input.remote.SFTPRemote.mkdirs(
at com.dataiku.dip.datasets.fs.SSHFSProvider.ensureDirectory(
at com.dataiku.dip.managedfolder.ManagedFolderHandler.ensurePartitionFolder(



at com.dataiku.dip.dataflow.DefaultActivityLifecycleHook.handleTargetFolderPre(
at com.dataiku.dip.dataflow.DefaultActivityLifecycleHook.onPreActivity(
at com.dataiku.dip.dataflow.jobrunner.ActivityRunner.runActivity(
at com.dataiku.dip.dataflow.jobrunner.JobRunner.runActivity(
at com.dataiku.dip.dataflow.jobrunner.JobRunner.access$900(
at com.dataiku.dip.dataflow.jobrunner.JobRunner$
Caused by: 11: The operation failed
at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.throwStatusError(
at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.mkdir(
at com.dataiku.dip.input.remote.SFTPRemote.mkdirs(
... 8 more
[15:11:18] [INFO] [dku.remotefiles.ssh.jsch] - Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to Socket closed

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2 Replies
Level 5

According to logs you are successfully connected, but the make dir operation fails. Perhaps the user does not have permission to create folders. Or the folder what DSS is trying to create exists, or it is an invalid path.

Level 1

Hello thanks  for  your   answer but   the   folder  have  all the  permission  in  the  side  of  the  sftp  I  apply chmod 777 and  al  group  policy  with  all  the  privilege  actually  I  make  the  test  with  another app like  filezilla  and  its  work  correct  its  just   son  folder  example

with parent  path  /xxxx/   I  cand  put  the  file  correct  but  with this  path  having  this  issue


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