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Implement Sampling > Random as Engine:In-Database(SQL) for Snowflake

Currently if I select  Sampling method: Random (approx. ratio) or Random (approx. nb. records) the only allowed engine is DSS which will require downloading the input dataset to dss. 

It's possible to do sampling at the Snowflake side, with

For Random(approx. nb.records) I believe it would be as easy as generating the following SQL


select * from input_table sample row (10 rows) seed (99);








1 Comment
Level 4

SAMPLE/TABLESAMPLE is supported in many databases: 


* Postgres

* teradata


* Google BigQuery

* Microsoft sql server (Transact SQL)

* Oracle




SAMPLE/TABLESAMPLE is supported in many databases: 


* Postgres

* teradata


* Google BigQuery

* Microsoft sql server (Transact SQL)

* Oracle