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Easier access to Determine Data Set Rebuild Behavior Setting

User Story

As a Dataiku Flow designer who periodically uses the Rebuild Behavior (explicit or write_protected) to keep some datasets from Automatically updating when flows are rebuilt. I can find it difficult to see which data object are going to rebuild when I rebuild a flow zone.  Or why some data objects have not rebuilt. I would like more convenient places to note this setting.  This would allow quicker proofing of flows, more trust in the currentness of data in a flow.


  • This is easy to review, preferable with only one click for the entire flow, but no more than one click per data object.  Today it takes 4 clicks and a scroll for each data object to review this setting.


  • The indication of the rebuild behavior could exist in several additional locations to make things easier.
    • In the Data Object Details that can be shown on the right hand side of the screen.  It might make sense to add this to the information status of a data object in the flow.
    • As a slight change to the icon in the flow when viewing as last built

It's an interesting one Tom. You idea gave a much broader idea which I have raised here:


It's an interesting one Tom. You idea gave a much broader idea which I have raised here:


@Turribeach ,

Yes my item is considerably more incremental than your wonderful grand scope idea of custom views. 

Over time if this larger view idea is not considered feasible and others of these similar incremental ideas prove to be easy to implement.  I invite the product design and development teams at Dataiku to consider some of these potentially small more incremental solutions for more immediate implementation.

All,  please feel free to upvote both this and @Turribeach ideas as I have done.


@Turribeach ,

Yes my item is considerably more incremental than your wonderful grand scope idea of custom views. 

Over time if this larger view idea is not considered feasible and others of these similar incremental ideas prove to be easy to implement.  I invite the product design and development teams at Dataiku to consider some of these potentially small more incremental solutions for more immediate implementation.

All,  please feel free to upvote both this and @Turribeach ideas as I have done.

Realizing that this post duplicates the content of this one.

Realizing that this post duplicates the content of this one.


Thanks for connecting the two ideas.  

What they say:  "Great minds think alike" sometimes...



Thanks for connecting the two ideas.  

What they say:  "Great minds think alike" sometimes...