// This file is the descriptor for the Custom code recipe patient-cohort { // Meta data for display purposes "meta": { // label: name of the recipe as displayed, should be short "label": "duplicate plugin", // description: longer string to help end users understand what this recipe does "description": "Cohort generated with guided inputs based on best-practices", // icon: must be one of the FontAwesome 3.2.1 icons, complete list here at https://fontawesome.com/v3.2.1/icons/ "icon": "icon-legal", "iconColor": "orange" }, "kind": "PYTHON", "paramsPythonSetup": "select-columns_input1.py", "selectableFromDataset": "main_input", "selectableFromFolder":"main_input", //"selectableFromDataset": "input_A_role", // Inputs and outputs are defined by roles. In the recipe's I/O tab, the user can associate one // or more dataset to each input and output role. // The "arity" field indicates whether the user can associate several datasets to the role ('NARY') // or at most one ('UNARY'). The "required" field indicates whether the user is allowed to // associate no dataset with the role. "inputRoles": [ { "name": "main_input", "label": "Views Table", "description": "Some Desc", "arity": "UNARY", "required": false, "acceptsDataset": true, "mustBeStrictlyType":"Redshift" } // ... ], "outputRoles": [ { "name": "main_output", "label": "Patient Cohort Output", "description": "This is the output table", "arity": "UNARY", "required": true, "acceptsDataset": true, "mustBeStrictlyType":"Redshift" }, { "name": "agg_output", "label": "Aggregated Table for Analysis", "description": "This table is used to aggregate data points and condense file siz for the python webapps ", "arity": "NARY", "required": true, "acceptsDataset": false, "mustBeStrictlyType":"Redshift" } // ... ], /* The field "params" holds a list of all the params for wich the user will be prompted for values in the Settings tab of the recipe. The available parameter types include: STRING, STRINGS, INT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, SELECT, MULTISELECT, MAP, TEXTAREA, PRESET, COLUMN, COLUMN DOCUMENTATION LINK - https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/plugins/reference/params.html */ "params": [ ], // The field "resourceKeys" holds a list of keys that allows to limit the number // of concurrent executions and activities triggered by this recipe. // // Administrators can configure the limit per resource key in the Administration > Settings > Flow build // screen. "resourceKeys": [] }