All NikitaNagvanshi's Badges

All NikitaNagvanshi's Badges

NikitaNagvanshi has earned 7 badges!
  • Community 1st Anniversary
    Community 1st Anniversary
    Earned by 7,166
    Happy Anniversary! You have earned this badge after one year of membership in the Community.
  • First Topic
    First Topic
    Earned by 3,206
    Thanks for posting, keep up the great work!
  • Partner L2 Certification Admin
    Partner L2 Certification Admin
    Earned by 26
    For people who ensure smooth operation and tuning of DSS.
  • Dataiku Core Concepts
    Dataiku Core Concepts
    Earned by 353
    Congrats on completing all courses in the Core Concepts series! You’ve learned the basics of Dataiku projects, data connections and visual recipes.
  • Dataiku Core Designer
    Dataiku Core Designer
    Earned by 1,903
    Congratulations on passing the Dataiku Core Designer certification, demonstrating knowledge of the core concepts and mastery of basic DSS features
  • Dataiku Adv Designer
    Dataiku Adv Designer
    Earned by 834
    Congratulations on passing the Dataiku Advanced Designer certification, demonstrating your ability to build advanced flows with visual tools.
  • Dataiku Developer
    Dataiku Developer
    Earned by 31
    Congrats on passing the Dataiku Developer certification, showing your ability on Dataiku's code integrations and expanding your coding horizons.