Plugin - Bundle Project and Push to Automation Node

Please, could you explain how this plugin works ?
Are we supposed to define an instance as a target for the bundle when we start the macro? the target is a remote Automation Node or a Design Instance.
When I try to use it, it runs indefinitely. No target is asked by the macro.
Best Answer
The version is correct. The issue was due to the fact that I'm not admin on the DSS instance.
We tested it with admin profile and it works fine. That's a very good news for us as we will use it to deploy a project from our DEV instance to our TEST instance (both design instances).
Thanks a lot for your support
Hi Annie,
Here’s a link with instructions on how to use the plugin, including screenshots:
Yes, you should enter the URL of the destination instance in the Destination Instance Address field before running the macro.
Hi Pat,
Thanks for the link to the documentation.
When I trigger the macro, I don't have the parameters displayed for input. There is no bundle id, destination instance Address, Remote API key and activate scenarios options.
Please, could you let me know if I should do some pre-requesites settings before running this macro ?
Can you screenshot what you see?
What version of the plugin is installed on the DSS instance?
The latest version on the plugin store is 1.0.1
Is your DSS user in a group with "Admin" permissions over the project?
Hi, I have a question regarding the API key: With the macro I succeeded only, if I used it as DSS administrator on the source side and with a global API key with global admin permissions on the target DSS instance.
Question: Is this the minimal privileges for the user to have? Does the macro only work with admin privileges on both sides, on source and on the target?
If not, which user privileges needs the user to have and how a private key could then be used on the target side?
Just a question related to Bundle deployment to test env.
Lets say, your current test env, having some daraset stored. Now when you migrate the updated code from your dev to test env, the existing dataset in test will get replaced with empty dataset/?
When i copy a project and create a duplicate, that is what it happened. Would like to know what will happen in Bundle method?
I would like to retain my test/production data and replace the code changes /dataset column changes while doing the deployment.
is that possible in DSS?