an unexpected error occurred in charts

Registered Posts: 4 ✭✭✭✭
Hi all,
Oops: an unexpected error occurred
Connection reset
Please help me with the above error while visualizing in charts
Hi Swarna,
Could you include a screenshot of the error message and provide more details about the issue?
- What type of chart are you using?
- When did you start observing this issue?
- Is this error occurring for only a specific type of chart or all charts?
- Is this error occurring only with a specific dataset?
Hi ATsao,
I need to plot a graph for 3 million rows but dataiku is acceping only for 1 million rows. That is why it is showing that error.
Hi Swarna,
Charts should only be using a sample of the dataset, usually this is the same sample as the explore by default. Have you configured your sample to use the entire 3 million records?
Also, what type of chart/visualization are you trying to use?