Partner, Registered Posts: 62 Partner
I'm getting a warning "Unkown macro role" when I'm attempting to add the python-runnable to my plugin. I copied the code from here.
{ "meta": { "label": "Start a New Project", "description": "", "icon": "icon-puzzle-piece" }, "impersonate": false, "params": [ { "name": "projectName", "label": "Project name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": true }, { "name": "pyCodeEnvName", "label": "Python Code env name", "type": "STRING", "defaultValue": "python3" } ], "permissions": [], "resultType": "JSON_OBJECT", "macroRoles": [ {"type": "PROJECT_CREATOR"} ] }
Are there any additional step to allow it to appear on the "Create New Project" button on the home page? What about adding a folder similar to "DSS Tutorials"
Are you running DSS 7 ?
I'm running DSS 6.0.3
Project creation macros, and hence, the PROJECT_CREATOR role are a new feature of DSS 7, which you'll need in order to test this.
Is the DATASET macro role described here also new to DSS 7?
No, this one was introduced in 5.0 or 5.1