Problem predicting over several months

I have been using Dataiku recently and I have a problem. I created a model to forecast the sales of several stores over the months of October, November and December. (I compare with the actual data to verify that my model works well).
However when I launch my model the data for the months of October, November and December are identical. However, I did activate Time ordering. I am going crazy with this problem and I am completely stuck. I specify that I do not know how to code.
In my screenshot I have filtered on a store, each line represents the month of October, November and December.
Thank you for your help.
Best Answer
From what you describe, I understand you have created a using DSS Visual ML. This feature requires one specific target column. You can use it to forecast one step ahead, but not a sequence of steps.
For this purpose, I suggest you install and use the Forecast plugin.
For an example of how to use either DSS Visual ML or this plugin for forecasting purposes, you can inspect this public project.
Hope it helps,