Export to folder : different name each day

bored_panda Registered Posts: 11 ✭✭✭✭
I'm using an "export to folder" recipe to create a CSV that can then be used by other components. I'd like the CSVs to be named depending on the day they are exported :

- export_2017-01-25.csv
- export_2017-01-26.csv
- export_2017-01-27.csv

How can I do so ?

Best Answer

  • cperdigou
    cperdigou Alpha Tester, Dataiker Alumni Posts: 115 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    One way of doing this is by using a python recipe on the dataset you wish to export, with a folder as output. In the recipe you can use the following code:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import dataiku
    import pandas as pd, numpy as np
    from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu

    # Recipe inputs
    input_dataset_name = dataiku.Dataset("input_dataset_name")
    input_dataset_name_df = input_dataset_name.get_dataframe()

    # Recipe outputs
    folder_name = dataiku.Folder("folder_id")
    folder_name_path = folder_name.get_path()

    import time
    current_day = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    input_dataset_name_df.to_csv(path_or_buf=folder_name_path+"export_"+current_day+".csv", index=False)

    Note that the first lines (input dataset, output folder etc) are all generated by DSS. So you should only add the last 3 lines of this code to your recipe, and change "input_dataset_name_df" and "folder_name_path" with the proper name.


  • RomanaK
    RomanaK Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭✭


    is there a way how to solve this issue without python code? I have similar situation in which a file is exported with a suffix based on local variable. However this flow will be operated by a Data Analyst, hence I don't want to use any python code.

    Many thanks,


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