DSS using Database

I went through the documentation and found that DSS is shipped with PostgresDB.
How can I find DSS is using which DB instance and what is the name of Database?
Or is it the case that database is not used in DSS?
Best Answer
the storage for objects and settings of a DSS instance is mostly file-based. Some info, like which jobs and scenarios where run, and usage information, are stored in H2 databases with an option to store them in an external Postgres database.
The data of the datasets is stored on the server's filesystem for filesystem-type connections and for uploaded datasets. All the rest (SQL datasets, HDFS datasets, S3 datasets...) stays in their respective database/cluster/cloud.
DSS ships with the JDBC drivers for Postgres databases, not with an actual running Postgres database.
piyushk Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 55 ✭✭✭✭✭
Where does dss store its data, user /groups / project related info?