Does Dataiku support RDF format?

This is not currently possible, a plugin is under development with no ETA yet.
Hello! Is there any progress in this direction?
Hi Gossann,
I am not seeing any specific development around RDF at the moment, do you have a specific use case you are trying to address? I'm happy to write this up and submit if desired. In the meantime, you could use an R recipe and call out to the rdflib library and import information that way.
Thanks for the info. I'll look at it. The use case is not yet completely clear. But it includes using different platforms, one of them creating and providing RDF data.
How about creating RDF with dataiku by transforming table data into nodes and properties similar to the RDF extension ( for the OpenRefine ( ?
If you can access it via R or Python, it should not be an issue to turn it into RDF. That said, RDF is an XML format so your data source would have to support the format. For example, you could return a dataset via the RDF and export to a DSS defined folder.