Core Designer

Hi Team,
I am new to dataiku i am doing the core designer certificate for getting to step 2 i have used the python receipe to join all three dataset but now i am getting error
Job failed: Out of memory for code recipe on Kubernetes: in act.compute_Join_NP: Containerized process out of memory, caused by: SerializedErrorException: Error in python process: Containerized process execution failed, return code 119
Best Answer
By default, you join only 2 datasets in the visual recipe, but you can add more by clicking the + button.
Welcome to Dataiku! I understand you're working on the Core Designer Certificate, and it seems like you've encountered a memory-related issue while using a Python recipe to join the three datasets.
The error message you shared indicates that the containerized process ran out of memory, likely due to the creation of a very large dataset during the join operation. To address this, I recommend you use a visual Join recipe. Increasing the container configuration could be a solution too but for the certificate, the visual Join recipe will solve this memory issue.
I hope this helps you.
Kind Regards,
But in join visual receipe i am able to join only 2 datasets where as the requirement is to join 3 data set
t worked thank you for the quick response
Glad to know it!