Is there a way to count specific types of characters in a text cell?

UserBird Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 535 Dataiker
I am trying to enrich a dataset containing product names and descriptions and I would like to extract the number of words / letters capitalized and non-capitalized / numbers in certain columns.

Is there any way to do this easily?

Best Answer

  • Thomas
    Thomas Dataiker Alumni Posts: 19 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Vincent,

    One way to do it is to use a Custom Python Script in Analyze. You can easily implement your logic this way. For example, if you want to test for specific values in a string, you could do the following:

    import json

    def process(row):

    # Initialize counters
    _uppers = 0
    _lowers = 0
    _commas = 0
    _digits = 0

    for character in row['name']:
    if character.isupper(): # check for uppercase values
    _uppers = _uppers + 1
    if character.islower(): # check for lowercase values
    _lowers = _lowers + 1
    if character == ',': # check for commas
    _commas = _commas + 1
    if character.isdigit(): # check for numbers
    _digits = _digits + 1

    return json.dumps({
    'count_uppercase_values': _uppers,
    'count_lowercase_values': _lowers,
    'count_commas': _commas,
    'count_digits': _digits,

    The cool thing is that you output as many counts as you want and pass it to a Flatten JSON processor to create your columns.

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