Convert integer to date

Registered Posts: 5 ✭
I want to extract the data for the last 6 months but I have a problem with the date format of my field.
On attachments you can see my column ANNEE_MONTHS and I want to convert this column to date format.
I try this but It can't works :
SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(annee_months, "%Y/%m") as date_format
I try to use a prepare recipe with a "Format date with custom format" but It can't works (the screen is on the attachments).
I don't know how to proceed.
Best Answer
To extract the date you should Parse to standard date format in the prepare recipe:
"Format date with custom format" can be used to convert the Date type to a string representation following a given format.
Hi, thank you for your answer. I try this method in the prepare recipe and it works !