Control the execution of steps in Scenario
Hi Team,
I have created scenario to run daily wise to run the pipeline every day. in that scenario I have created 4 steps as below.
1)step 1: to get latest data available or not in table if available pick date_time of latest date
2)step 2: set the date_time as project variable.
3)step 3: based on date_time filter the data from table and keep it in test dataset(for ML model prediction).
4)step 4: run the ML model for test data.
Here when I run the scenario, some times latest data may not exist in table, in that case date_time variable populating as null value in project variable and scenario failing at step 3.
Now I want to stop the scenario when date_time value is null and scenario should stop running instead of failing at step 3(step 1 and step 2 should run). i.e whenever data_time is null
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 1,896 Neuron
This is easy to do by adding a conditional logic to execute your remaining scenario steps.
See this post:
More info about this technique here:
Personally I would use row count in your dataset as it is a built-in metric. Here is a sample on how to get the row count from a dataset metric:
toNumber(filter(parseJson(stepOutput_Compute_Metrics)['Project_Key.Dataset_Name_NP']['computed'], x, x["metricId"]=="records:COUNT_RECORDS")[0].value)