How to fetch scenario build status details in Dataiku in a SQL Table?
How to fetch scenario build status details in Dataiku in a SQL Table using in built DSS Variables?
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 1,926 Neuron
What you want to do it's not possible or it's straight forward to do in the way you want it. It will be more useful if you could tell us exactly what are you trying to achieve. There might be a better way of doing what you want rathetr than the path you followed.
What I exactly want to do is capture the important details post the build of the scenario. Whether it passed or failed, scenario name, total execution time, total build steps. This I want to capture in a SQL table in an automated way post every scenario run.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 1,926 Neuron
Hi, all those important stats are already captured in the Dataiku runtime database. Therefore it's a bit pointless for you to try to collect all of this again. Simply go to any project, click on +DATASET, then Internal, then Internal Stats then Type = Scenario Runs. This internal database is hosted internally by DSS in an H2 file-based database but you can host it externally in PostgreSQL if you want. If this doesn't meet your requirement you can collect all the required stats by using the Dataiku Python API and the Scenarios APIs.
PS: This is not your requirement. Your requirement might be something like "I want to perform reporting on all the Scenario runs".
The solution you provided I can't enable it as I don't have admin rights to create the Internal Source dataset. Can you guide me and help me in how I can perform Reporting on my scenario runs?