How I can access recipe's SQL output using python api client

Registered Posts: 10 ✭✭✭✭
I'd like to access SQL output generated by a recipe programatically using Python API client.
Is that possible?
I see this information is returned by /dip/api/flow/recipes/generic/get-status
You find below a small code snippet from which you can inspire to apply to your use case:
CODE_RECIPES = ['sql_script', 'sql_query', 'impala', 'hive', 'spark_sql']
def get_recipe_sql(self, project_handle, recipe_name, recipe_type):
recipe_handle = project_handle.get_recipe(recipe_name)
if recipe_type in CODE_RECIPES:
dap = recipe_handle.get_definition_and_payload()
return dap.get_payload()
status = recipe_handle.get_status()
# GO
client = dataiku.api_client()
project_handle = client.get_project('MY_PROJECT')
recipes = project_handle.list_recipes()
#loop through every recipe of the project and print out the SQL if possible
for recipe in recipes:
recipe_name = recipe.get('name')
recipe_type = recipe.get('type')
sql = get_recipe_sql(project_handle, recipe_name, recipe_type)
except Exception as e:
message = "Could not retrieve sql code from recipe {} in project {}: {}"
print(message.format(recipe_name, project, e))
So close!! Most of the recipes are returning the SQL, thanks.
Sadly the one at the screenshot is failing with:
{u'allMessagesForFrontend': {u'anyMessage': True,
u'error': True,
u'maxSeverity': u'ERROR',
u'messages': [{u'code': u'ERR_RECIPE_VALIDATION_FAILED',
u'details': u'Failed to compute recipe status: NullPointerException',
u'message': u'Validation failed: Failed to compute recipe status: NullPointerException',
u'severity': u'ERROR',
u'title': u'Validation failed'}],
u'success': False,
u'warning': False},
u'engines': [],
u'output': {u'anyMessage': False,
u'error': False,
u'messages': [],
u'success': False,
u'warning': False},
u'topLevelMessages': {u'anyMessage': True,
u'error': True,
u'maxSeverity': u'ERROR',
u'messages': [{u'code': u'ERR_RECIPE_VALIDATION_FAILED',
u'details': u'Failed to compute recipe status: NullPointerException',
u'message': u'Validation failed: Failed to compute recipe status: NullPointerException',
u'severity': u'ERROR',
u'title': u'Validation failed'}],
u'success': False,
u'warning': False}}